Hello Stephen,

You say "then hit the "Sign, dammit!" button", and in your script you
have "...if ($submit == "Sign!")...".
Obviously, the problem is that "else" block is executed instead of
"if". It's better to use some other variable to check whether the form
is filled or not, something like
Also, the problem may be caused by register_globals turned off...

ST> I found a new book for again starting out to learn PHP/MySQL Web App 
ST> programming. I've begun exercises toward that end.

ST> So far I've opened MySQL--I'm on a Macintosh PowerBook, so that's 
ST> UNIX--as root and created a database I called guest_recorder. Then I 
ST> GRANTed ALL to a new user (me) with a password. I then quit MySQL.

ST> Next I opened MySQL again as the new user I created, did a USE 
ST> guest_recorder and then created my first table guest_info. The table had 
ST> five columns: name, location, email, url, and comments. When I did a 
ST> DESCRIBE guest_info, it properly displayed the columns.

ST> Then I typed "dbconnect.php":

ST> <?php
ST> mysql_connect("localhost", "--------", "-------") or
ST> die ("Could not connect to database");
ST> mysql_select_db("guest_recorder") or
ST> die ("Could not select database");

ST> followed by "create_entry.php":

ST> <html>
ST> <head>
ST> <title>Create Entry</title>
ST> </head>
ST> <body>

ST> <?php
ST> include("dbconnect.php");

ST> if ($submit == "Sign!")
ST> {
ST> $query = "insert into guest_info
ST> (name,location,email,url,comments) values
ST> <'$name', '$location', '$email', '$url', '$comments')"
ST> ;
ST> mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
ST> <h2>Thanks!</h2>
ST> <h2><a href="view.php">View My Guest Book!</a></h2>
ST> <?php
ST> }
ST> else
ST> {
ST> include("sign.php");
ST> }

ST> and "sign.php":

ST> When I open "create_entry.php" in my browser, the form and its five 
ST> fields appear correctly, and I fill them out. I then hit the "Sign, 
ST> dammit!" button.

ST> I was expecting the "Thanks!" and "View My Guest Book!" messages, but 
ST> instead am greeted with the same form with its five blank fields so's I 
ST> can type in info for name, location, email, url, and comments.

ST> When I go to view the table named "guest_info" in the database named 
ST> "guest_recorder" using SELECT * FROM guest_info, I'm told "Empty set".

ST> If the form's info isn't making it to the table, I'm thinking I need 
ST> $_POST statements--as in $_POST["name"], $_POST["location"], 
ST> etc.--somewhere to get each field's info into the table. But where do I 
ST> put those lines and in which file: "create_entry.php" or "sign.php"?

ST> Thank you.

Best regards,
 MuToGeN                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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