On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 15:39, Ed Curtis wrote:
>  Is there any type of criteria that would point a user to directoryA or
> directoryB?
>  I recently rebuilt a site that handled a couple thousand
> different working directories for clients but used only one set of
> scripts for all. The user would have to login and variables were pulled
> from a database to set the directory that they would work in. The
> directory name could be passed from script to script or stored in
> sessions.

The beheaviour I want to acomplish is the same as in yahoorgoups.

You can access a mian page, where you login and have a list of all the groups you are 
subscribe to.
You click on the link to each one and it redirects you to: 

There it displays the page for your group with all it´s characteristics. The same 
if you access that URL directly. Or you can also access 
http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/yourGroup/messages/ etc

Thatś what I ant to do  :)

Any ideas?

thnx again,


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