I'm pretty sure that YahooGroups uses cookies for this to hold values
while you're not on their site. When you return it checks for the cookies
and reloads the values from the last visit. You can accomplish this with
PHP as well.


On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Juan Nin wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 15:39, Ed Curtis wrote:
> >  Is there any type of criteria that would point a user to directoryA or
> > directoryB?
> >
> >  I recently rebuilt a site that handled a couple thousand
> > different working directories for clients but used only one set of
> > scripts for all. The user would have to login and variables were pulled
> > from a database to set the directory that they would work in. The
> > directory name could be passed from script to script or stored in
> > sessions.
> The beheaviour I want to acomplish is the same as in yahoorgoups.
> You can access a mian page, where you login and have a list of all the groups you 
> are subscribe to.
> You click on the link to each one and it redirects you to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/yourGroup/
> There it displays the page for your group with all it´s characteristics. The same 
> behaviour
> if you access that URL directly. Or you can also access 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/yourGroup/messages/ etc
> That¶ what I ant to do  :)
> Any ideas?
> thnx again,
> Juan
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