> And ok, I wont post Perl things anymore ;-)

That's no fun.  I like hearing what I can do with yet another language. ;)

Edward Dudlik
Becoming Digital

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christophe Chisogne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 25 September, 2003 12:08
Subject: Re: [PHP] Netcraft

In the Unix world with PHP, you can do OS fingerprinting by calling
a system tool such as nmap (option: -O),
but this require root privileges, and
is not always perceived as well-behaviour by sysadmins.
Or you can do everything you want with PHP sockets.

I guess Netcraft use OS fingerprinting tool like nmap
above their 'HEAD /' http requests.

And ok, I wont post Perl things anymore ;-)


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