Thank you all so much! That sorted it! Cheers!

I didn't see that before because I'm blind. Metorphorically speaking. Put it down to code-blindness from staring at the screen too long. Weird thing is, my searches took me to, which didn't mention the moving ini file thing. That page told me about the location being a compile time option.

I'll check up on the security implications. Unfortunately for me, this is the way I was taught PHP. I'll have to rethink things I suppose!

I'll brush my teeth, too. Want 'em all nice and sparkly!

Thanks again, you guys are so helpful!


CPT John W. Holmes wrote:


Reply - this means your php is running on php defaults configuration.
you need to copy the 'php.ini-dist' file as 'php.ini' to c:\windows.
edit the the file 'C:\windows\php.ini'
and change register_globals = Off to register_globals = On

(and restart your web server)

(and make sure you understand the security implications that may arise from
having globals on and poorly written code)

(and brush your teeth)

---John Holmes...

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