On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 14:22:30 -0400, Greg Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll check up on the security implications. Unfortunately for me, this
is the way I was taught PHP. I'll have to rethink things I suppose!

(and make sure you understand the security implications that may arise from
having globals on and poorly written code)

It would be best if you *do* get used to registered globals being off. It's gotten so that I can't even download premade PHP scripts anymore because 2 of the 3 webservers I work on have it turned off. It's not fun having to sort through other people's code and making it work with registered globals being off (extract() is the easiest way, but I still have to sort through which include needs it). It ends up being almost as much work as building a new one from scratch.

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