Here is what I would do (this advice and a buck will buy you a cup of coffee):

First, I'd take my existing code, look over it and ask, Where am I doing the same thing over and over? Code that is repetitive is a prime candidate for using functions or objects. Objects are easier to maintain for me.

So if your making code on each page to access a MySql database, you can then decide to make a class to access your database or take a look at some of the existing classes like PEAR:DB or ADODB that do this for you.

Then I'd look at a template system or use XSLT and CSS (my preference - ultimate flexibility - WML, RSS,etc...).

So I made a class to return an xml string from a database query (<record><fieldname>fieldvalue</fieldname></record>). Then each page of the site becomes a matter of reading an xslt file into a variable, sending a query and returning an xml string and transforming the xml into html
The advantage is each page of the site has code that looks like this:

// includes

// sql query
$sql .= " SELECT CS.FirstName, CS.LastName, CS.Firm, CS.CustomerID, CS.Bio, ";
$sql .= "CI.City, CI.State, CI.ZipCode, CI.PhoneNum, CI.FaxNum,, CI.url ";
$sql .= "\rFROM Customer CS ";
$sql .= "INNER JOIN ContactInfo CI ON CS.CustomerID = CI.CustomerID ";
$sql .= "\rWHERE CS.CustomerID = " . $_GET['CustomerID'];

        // convert query to xml string via makexml class
        $xmldoc = new makexml("mssql");

// read xsl template file via readFile clss
$fileR = new readFile();

// prepare xsl transformation
$xmldoc->xslstr = $fileR->contents;
$xmldoc->xslresult = 'result.xml';
$arguments = array('/_xml' => $xmldoc->xmlstr,'/_xsl' => $xmldoc->xslstr);

// transform the xml into html
$xh = xslt_create();
$result = xslt_process($xh, 'arg:/_xml', 'arg:/_xsl', NULL, $arguments);
if ($result) {
print $result;
else {
print "Sorry, the xml could not be transformed by the xsl into";
print " the \$result variable the reason is that " . xslt_error($xh) .
print " and the error code is " . xslt_errno($xh);

This isn't bulletproof but makes code easy to read and maintain for me. If I need to add a new feature, I just add a new function, method, or class. If I need something different at the presentation level I just change the XSLT or , more likely, the CSS.

On Monday, September 29, 2003, at 02:22 PM, Chris wrote:

I am working on a fairly large scale (for myself anyway) project using PHP
and MySQL. I am victim of teaching myself to program, not separating
presentation from my code-- all the things that lead to masses of spaghetti
code so atrocious even I can't figure out what I was doing an hour ago.

I'm not looking for an IDE or code generator so much as some practical
advice for organization and framework when developing a larger app. I know
of PHP Fusebox, having programmed with Cold Fusion fusebox for a while, but
it seems like that might be too much. Maybe I just need a sensical,
practical approach to application layout. What do you all do? How can I
learn to be a better PHP programmer in this regard?


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