Here is the real life idea:
A Supervisor, knows nothing about php, creates a simple form, say a time
sheet, in something like FrontPage.
He then uploads that form to the server.
An employee then looks at a page on the server that will retrieve the form
data that the supervisor made, and automatically fill in the form action and
submit buttons.
The employee then fills out the time sheet and submits it.

Easy to do so far, the hard part:
The supervisor can now get the form data that was filled out. BUT, he sees
the data in the same form he created but pre-filled with all the employees
I know it would be easy to simple print out a list of all the form values
and fields like:
Hours = 5
Day 1 Week 1 = 2
Day 2 Week 1 = 1

But it doesn't look as nice as the looking at the same form but with the
values pre-filled in.

Now, I can do this easily enough with and <input type=Text> fields and
<textarea> fields. The hard but is the multiple choice type form fields,
like selects.

I think I need some kind of HTML parser that will break up the supervisors
form, then insert any values need for the form values and then re-display
the form data.

> PHP wrote:
> > Thanks,
> > I thought of this, unfortuanetly the user uploading the form would have
> > clue in being able to build the form with the $_POST tags already in it.
> >
> >
> I lost you. What are you trying to do?
> -- 
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