Rather than searching every field for every search I usually provide a select drop down or checkbox that allows the user to indicate what information they are searching, then only hit those fields in the SQL query. MySQL is fast for simple queries but it doesn't scale well with larger databases or complex queries, you might look at building an index like someone mentioned but that will eat more disk space as well. Make sure you are using indexes efficiently and re-evaulate your search system to deterime if you really need to search what you are searching.

You may also want to google for mysql optmization hacks to help tune the mysql daemon itself.


Cesar Cordovez wrote:


I think that you will need a "keyword" table to speed up this procedure. The basic idea is to create an index of words in your fields, therefore you will not use "like" but "=" making things run much, much faster.

The steps for doing this are:

1. Every time you save a record in the table docs, take all the text fields in it and separate it into words. You can use explode to do this. Like for example: $words = explode(" ", $record["fieldone"] . " " .$record["fieldtwo"], {etc, etc});

2. save in the keyword table the non repeating words in the array with a reference to the original document, for example the document id.

3. Then, if you want to search for, let say, people you will do:

select distinct(docid) from keywords where word='people'

and you will have a list (cursor) with all the documents that have the word "people".

Very fast.

For an example of this, go to http://www.alenet.com and search for something. With very little more effort you can add a spelling thingy (type peeple on the search field) and "porcentajes" for each document.

I use the exactly the same procedure in a 5000 record database, and the time it uses to search is about the same that in alenet.com


An example of one of our search strings is:

select docs.* from docs where 1 and CY IN ('GB') and (TI like
'%searchstring%' or PD like '%searchstring%' or ND like '%searchstring%'
or DR like '%searchstring%' or DS like '%searchstring%' or DD like
'%searchstring%' or DT like '%searchstring%' or RN like '%searchstring%'
or HD like '%searchstring%' or TD like '%searchstring%' or NC like
'%searchstring%' or PR like '%searchstring%' or RP like '%searchstring%'
or AA like '%searchstring%' or TY like '%searchstring%' or AC like
'%searchstring%' or PC like '%searchstring%' or RC like '%searchstring%'
or RG like '%searchstring%' or AU like '%searchstring%' or TW like
'%searchstring%' or CO like '%searchstring%' or AB like '%searchstring%'
or TX like '%searchstring%')

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