I used a variant of this scheme a time ago and it worked well though I had
not reached 2 000 records.

I separated the words using strtok().


PD: How large is the http://www.alenet.com DB; I searched the word 'the'
(which is likely to be in every english doc) and it returned only 28 docs.


"Cesar Cordovez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi!
> I think that you will need a "keyword" table to speed up this procedure.
>   The basic idea is to create an index of words in your fields,
> therefore you will not use "like" but "=" making things run much, much
> faster.
> The steps for doing this are:
> 1.  Every time you save a record in the table docs, take all the text
> fields in it and separate it into words.  You can use explode to do
> this.  Like for example: $words = explode(" ", $record["fieldone"] . " "
> .$record["fieldtwo"], {etc, etc});
> 2. save in the keyword table the non repeating words in the array with a
> reference to the original document, for example the document id.
> 3.  Then, if you want to search for, let say, people you will do:
> select distinct(docid) from keywords where word='people'
> and you will have a list (cursor) with all the documents that have the
> word "people".
> Very fast.
> For an example of this, go to http://www.alenet.com and search for
> something.  With very little more effort you can add a spelling thingy
> (type peeple on the search field) and "porcentajes" for each document.
> I use the exactly the same procedure in a 5000 record database, and the
> time it uses to search is about the same that in alenet.com
> Cesar

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