Fernando Melo wrote:

> I have the following statement:
> $text = ereg_replace
> ("[live/]*content\.php\?[&]*Item_ID=([0-9]*)&Start=([0-9]*)&Category_ID=([0-
> 9]*)[&]*", "content\\1start\\2CID\\3.php", $text);
> Basically what I'm trying to do is if the URL includes "live/" then I want
> to include it in the replace.  The way I have it now check for all the
> letters in "live" instead of the whole string.
> I hope I explained this properly.

$text = ereg_replace
  "content\\1start\\2CID\\3.php", $text);

The "(live/)?" should catch zero or one occurence of "live/". Maybe the
regex library in your PHP doesn't know about "?", than you could use "*"
instead - consider using the PCRE preg_replace function.


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