replacement is evaluated... therefore:

function check_this_out($arg) {
    return "<a href='#'>$arg</a>";

$myString = 'hello';

$pattern = '/(.*)/e';
$replacement = "check_this_out('\\1' . ' $myString')";
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, 'test says:');


Thank you very much Jochem and John. It works like a charm now, and I
was beginning to grow weary after experimenting with result sets for
almost 10 hours now.

How would you - by the way - concatenate text to the replacement


On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 14:15:00 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W.
Holmes) wrote:

From: "Jochem Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

alternatively (actually this looks like the easier way to do it!) use
preg_replace(), with the 'e' modifier tagged onto the end of the
replacement expression: the 'e' modifier causes the expression to be
evaluated as PHP.

something like:

$pattern = '/\[link=&quot;([[:graph:]]+)&quot;]/';
$replacement = "/check_this_out('\1')/e";
$output = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $output);

Good idea, except the "e" modifier goes in the pattern, not the replacement. And you don't need delimiters in the replacement.

$pattern = '/\[link=&quot;([[:graph:]]+)&quot;]/e';
$replacement = "check_this_out('\1')";
$output = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $output);

---John Holmes...

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