
I am on the search for a good PHP mailing list, best in German... case I here 
wrong am, please I around apology. Problem: SESSION MANAGEMENT Note! !! 
session.use_cookies=0!! (and it is to also remain) 1. Why I can not by 
$_get['lid ' ] on $_post['lid']=lf_session_id(); access? (afterwards is a 
Header("Location"... in it - > overwrites?) 2. How do I get a reasonable 
session management WITHOUT COOKIES? PHP 4.2.2 is used. With this PHP version 
that does not function, as described. Nose? (seems so, already times after 
gegoogled) session_start(); always new worth... it does not supply a session 
is taken over. 3. Tried I already also a CLASS to create, these am however 
not global attainable (after Redirect) I am for everyone tap gratefully, 
which lets me despair less. Thousand thanks! Christoph Lockingen

It seems like he's trying to write the session ID to the $_POST array, which 
reminds me of a bad idea. I think his goal is to use sessions without using 
cookies. Anybody who speaks german care to answer? Or perhaps use babelfish?

On Tuesday 28 October 2003 12:16 pm, christoph lockingen wrote:
> Hallo !
> Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer guten PHP Mailing-Liste, am besten in
> Deutsch...Falls ich hier falsch bin, bitte ich um Entschuldigung.
> Problem:
> Achtung!
> !! session.use_cookies=0 !! (und sollen es auch bleiben)
> 1. Wieso kann ich nicht per $_GET['lid'] auf
>    $_POST['lid']=lf_session_id();
>    zugreifen? (Danach ist ein Header("Location"... drin -> der
> überschreibt?)
> 2. Wie bekomme ich ein vernünftiges Sessionmanagement OHNE COOKIES hin?
> Eingesetzt wird PHP 4.2.2. Bei dieser PHP-Version funktioniert das nicht,
> wie beschrieben. Bug? (scheint so, schonmal nach gegoogled)
> session_start();
> liefert immer neue werte... es wird keine session übernommen.
> 3. Probiert habe ich bereits auch eine CLASS zu schaffen, diese ist jedoch
> nicht global erreichbar (nach Redirect)
> Ich bin für jeden Tipp dankbar, der mich weniger verzweifeln läßt.
> Tausend Dank !
> Christoph Lockingen

Evan Nemerson

"The greatest mistake is to imagine that the human being is an autonomous 
individual. The secret freedom which you can supposedly enjoy under a 
despotic government is nonsense, because your thoughts are never entirely 
your own. Philosophers, writers, artists, even scientists, not only need 
encouragement and an audience, they need constant stimulation from other 
people. It is almost impossible to think without talking. If Defoe had really 
lived on a desert island, he could not have written Robinson Crusoe, nor 
would he have wanted to. Take away freedom of speech, and the creative 
faculties dry up."

-George Orwell

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