I'm trying to get a little upload script working... But I can't seem to copy the tmp file to my local web directory (btw, do I really need to specify the path, or can I just use a filename, and the file will be written to the same directory as the PHP script??). Anyway, here is the code:

$realname = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
                        '/Users/rene/Sites/renefournier/titan/res/'.$realname)) {
echo $realname.' uploaded';
} else {
echo $realname.' could not be uploaded';

echo '<br>';
echo "name: ".$_FILES[$fld]['name'];
echo '<br>';
echo "type: ".$_FILES[$fld]['type'];
echo '<br>';
echo "size: ".$_FILES[$fld]['size'];
echo '<br>';
echo "tmp: ".$_FILES[$fld]['tmp_name'];
echo '<br>';

Here is the output:

could not be uploaded
name: web_share.gif
type: image/gif
size: 13370
tmp: /var/tmp/phpNqigbO

Thanks for any ideas.

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