After restarting apache, the error is gone. Still not sure what was causing it. The site was running fine to begin with, and the environment vars
have been in use for over a year throughout the site.


At 12:56 PM 11/10/2003, Keith Greene wrote:
Greetings list,
I have run into a problem that has me at my wits end. We run an affiliate program, and have forum software (phpBB) wrapped in our menu system.
There are 2 sides to the site, Affiliates and Admin, and I have 2 installs of the board using the same database. This all works fine.

The mind-boggling problem is that while the board works perfectly from the Affiliate side of the site, it exhibits some strange behavior from the Admin
side of the site. In particular, we are using an apache environment variable to point to our includes directory, and any time an http post is made from
the admin side of the board, php "loses" the environment vars and throws all kinds of errors about not being able to find the includes.
The only difference between the Affiliate and Admin sides is the include used for the actual menu, though the only difference in those files is
the actual links that make up the menu.

I have never seen this behavior, and was wondering if anyone has seen anything like it before, and possibly found a solution.
We are running php 4.3.2, Apache 1.3.26 on FreeBSD 4.5.

Any help would be very appreciated.


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