Yes, I think it would be a good idea to make *PHP free*. IMHO, one
company has now too much control in it, it's not good for the language
in general. Unless, of course, you are willing to put the encoding
feature into PHP core
by default.

This statement demonstrates a lack of understanding on your part. PHP is
free. Completely free. It costs nothing. Nada, zilch, zero. It is not
owned by any company or induhvidual. There are acknowledged leaders in
the community.

Zend does not control PHP. Zend has just invested a lot in the
technology. If PHP went away tomorrow Zend would focus their core on
something else. Likewise if Zend went away tomorrow PHP would continue
to grow and evolve.

Putting an encoding feature into the core of PHP would require actions
by those developing PHP, which you can take part in. Right now there are
several encoders available from other sources and it is up to each
induhvidual/team/organization to decide a. do we need to encode? and 2.
which encoder do we want to use? Just like you can choose to use MMTurke
or Zend Encoder or another encoder.

What is so hard to understand about this?

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