Hello all,

I would like to create a php function as follows:

function get_next_dates($ndays) {
     1. get the current date
     2. create an array say $results
     3. Store the dates for the next $ndays in $results

  return $results

So in my main program I can include the file with the function and use it as follows:

   $next_4_dates = get_next_dates(4);

$next_4_days[0] -> 11/20
$next_4_days[1] -> 11/21
$next_4_days[2] -> 11/22
$next_4_days[3] -> 11/23

if today was 11/19

Is there an easy way to do this?

Can I somehow use something like getdate+7 say to get 7 days ahead?

many thanks,


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