This works to create a drop down select box of numbers 1-12:

for($i=1; $i < 13; $i++) {
    echo "<option value={$i}>".$i."</option>\n";

This doesn't to create a drop down box of years:

$curr_year = intval(date('Y'));
$range = 10;
for ($y=$curr_year; $y < $range; $y++) {
     echo "<option value={$y}>".$y."</option>\n";

When I check for errors:
$curr_year = 2004
$curr_year is an integer
$range = 10
$curr_year + $range = 2014
$y = 2004

But my select box is empty... as in:
<select name='yada'>

What is it that I don't understand?


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