Luke wrote:

yeah its strange,

$test is equal to $test2,
$test is equal to $test3
but $test2 is not equal to $test3,

$test = "string";
$test2 = true;
$test3 = 0;
if($test == $test2){
echo "hi";

somone tell me im wrong please? else thats seriously weird

I'm sure many will disagree with me on this but, this is EXACTLY why I think all this loose type conversion in php, perl and others, is a bad idea. An int should be an int and a string should be a string. It's not that hard to write and use functions like strtoint() and inttostr(). If you want an easy way to compare 2 strings with out the old C function strcmp(), then use operator overloading like in C++. I also think that not forcing the user to declare variables and types before they are used is also a very bad idea and will lead to far more subtle bugs than if you do use type declarations.

Chris W

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