I agree with Chris...

In contrast you can also see a common problem in many of the downloadable scripts from different collections on the net, like hotscripts.com, where the programmers start building control structures whitout having the different variables they use set.

For instance if($name) instead of if(isset($name)), and it is done, simply bacuse php does not force you to declare your variables.

I also help out in different danish internet forums, and there are some of the newbees that have no clue about type juggeling, which at times can cause problems. And start explaing to another person, who is not an experienced programmer about types over the net, is not that easy, and many times only leads to more confusion.


I'm sure many will disagree with me on this but, this is EXACTLY why I think all this loose type conversion in php, perl and others, is a bad idea. An int should be an int and a string should be a string. It's not that hard to write and use functions like strtoint() and inttostr(). If you want an easy way to compare 2 strings with out the old C function strcmp(), then use operator overloading like in C++. I also think that not forcing the user to declare variables and types before they are used is also a very bad idea and will lead to far more subtle bugs than if you do use type declarations.

Chris W

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