
This is my first experience with php... and I'm already having trouble...

I´m working on an html form for a website which uses php to create an
e-mail. My 'Submit' button has a php document as action. It works great on
my unix server, but when I try to submit the form on my windows server, the
browser replies the following message:

        Notice: Undefined variable: radioSocio in F:\ambc\php\formaExpolab.php on
line 4

        Notice: Undefined variable: radioEstudiante in F:\ambc\php\formaExpolab.php
on line 5

        Notice: Undefined variable: fecha in F:\ambc\php\formaExpolab.php on line 6

... and so on for all my variables...

In the end it adds:

        Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output
started at F:\ambc\php\formaExpolab.php:4) in F:\ambc\php\formaExpolab.php
on line 37

This is the php code I'm using in my document:

$message_body = "Nombre: $f_nombre\n".
                "E-mail: $f_email\n".
                "Edad: $f_edad\n".
                "Ocupación: $f_ocupacion\n".
                "Código Postal: $f_cp\n".
                "Restaurante: $f_restaurante\n".
                "Sugerencias: $f_coment\n";

mail ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Sugerencias desde el sitio",
$message_body, "From: $f_email");
header ("Location:

I don't know if it has to do with my server, and maybe its php101... but I
could really use some help.


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