On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 03:46, Kilian wrote:
> Hello All!
> Since I upgraded to PHP4, file upload into MySQL tables seems not to
> work anymore. I am using PHPMyAdmin to access the database. When I try
> to upload a file there, I get the Error "The file '[tmpdir]/php129947'
> must be in the database directory or be readable by all" where [tmpdir]
> is the upload_tmp_dir specified in php.ini. This directory has 777
> permissions, so it is readable by all.
> I'm confused because it worked without any problems with PHP 3.
> Thanks very much for any hint...
> Greetz,
> Kilian

You saty the _directory_ is world readable, but the file being uploaded 
may not be world readable - you may have to chmod it as part of the 

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