On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> > I would have to disagree. While it may be possible to implement good
> > OOP in C++, it does not nearly implement OOP as well as many other
> > languages. It also has many other design problems that hinder the
> > learning of OOP.
> I respect your opinion and all, but how do you come to this conclusion?
> Which of the "many other languages" implement OOP better?

Python, Ruby...?

Of course, I've never done any OOP in C++. My guess is part of the reason 
he said this is because you've got to learn C++ before you're going to do 
much successful OOP with it. Not exactly a small learning curve.

Other languages dispense with a lot of the formalities found in C++ (a 
good or bad thing, depending on your perspective). I found Python to be a 
great language to learn OOP, since it forces good habits on you.

Kelly Hallman
// Ultrafancy

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