On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> I'd be curious as to how many cam to PHP from a programming background?
> Likewise, how many start with PHP and go on to other languages? And what
> those languages are either direction?

I started serious coding in perl. When I found PHP, I realized I was 
killing myself trying to do CGI with perl, and quickly migrated. That 
transition was easy, and my life got better.

After a couple of years coding in PHP I made a foray into Python. I
learned OOP with Python and was able to work that knowledge into my PHP
programming easily. Using OO with PHP simplified a lot of problems I'd had
trying to do more complex tasks with a procedural/functional approach.

I still use perl to whip up a sysadmin script here and there, but after 
using Python I began to regard perl as a syntactic mess.

Kelly Hallman
// Ultrafancy

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