> Hi Russell,
> If you're documenting PHP software, you might consider using
> phpDocumentor.  Your manual would be in DocBook, and phpDocumentor
> would  both transform to HTML/PDF/CHM, and link to the auto-parsed API
> docs  straight from the source.  Kind of handy for people who'd rather
> code  than figure out where things have changed :)
> Greg
> --
> phpDocumentor
> http://www.phpdoc.org

What do u mean the manual would be in Docbook, how do i get it in docbook ?
I would like to fill the generated docs with more info than is already
there, including diagrams, flow charts , object framework diagrams. I also
have trouble with the headers of my scripts, here is an example of one

 * @author Dan Rossi <email>
 * @version $Id: index.php,v 1.00 2003/05/21
 * Shotlist Data Entry Interface
 * This script handles the data entry of new shotlist tapes
 * it also handles the editing and updating of current shotlist entries.

Althought the description will only get parsed if there is an include above
and the header gets generated with the include statement, how can i fix
this ?

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