Terence wrote:

all in one awesome package:


I just got finished building a site for a customer who wanted OSCommerce (didn't want to pay for a 'real' shopping cart, or for me to build him one), and in my 8+ years of web development, they have to be one of the worst in most aspects.

First off, it won't install or run if you have register_globals off. When I saw this, I said to myself, "this isn't so bad if they're writing secure code, but it opens up ALL the code on the site." Then I started configuring it (hacking it) to fit the customers wants and desires, and found a few areas where it could be compromised.

Second, the code looks like it was written by someone who originaly had no intention of releasing this code to the world. It's sloppy, unorganized, and poorly (if at all) commented. Compare the code from an application like phpMyAdmin to OSCommerce to see what I mean.

The only thing I have positive to say about it, is on it's ease of use for the end user who wants to run an online store, but doesn't know diddly about computers.

Until they fix the first issue, I will continue to recommend against OSCommerce.

It's all about the Rush

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