On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 12:50:55AM -0500, Adam Bregenzer wrote:
> As far as I could tell the regexp I posted was the only one to use a
> subpattern to match the first quote type used and then re-apply that
> after matching the file name:
> '/<img\s+src=([\'"])([^\1]+)\1\s*\/?\s*>/i'
> I am a bit of a regular expression fan and I would be interested in
> seeing another way to match without using subpatterns.  What was Joel's
> regexp again?

You're right that my regexp[0] didn't require the quote marks to match each
other.  Depending on how strict/lax you want to be, that might be a
feature or a bug ;)

As to doing it without subpatterns... this seems to get there:


but isn't as elegant or extensible as yours, although it does allow for
<img src=""> (that is, an empty src attribute).  Also, it's less clear
where your matches are in mine, since there are so many parens.

IOW, Adam's is better ;)

[0]: The one I posted was:

  '/<img src=["\'](.*?)\.(.*?)["\']>/i'

which didn't require quotes to match each other, didn't allow for
arbitrary whitespace, and didn't allow for XHTML-style tag closing.

[ joel boonstra | gospelcom.net ]

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