I don't use session_register(), just the $_SESSION global variable, so this
is not it... :(

"Pance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi Puiu,
> I've been having the same problem too. My code that worked up until
> just stopped working. I did change from using:
>        session_register("user_id");
>        if (!(user_id)){ ....
> to using:
>       session_start();
>       if (!$_SESSION['user_id']){ ....
> Now it works with my computer Win98 and MS-IE5.5 but not on my client's
> computer Win98 and MS-IE6.
> I think there's something seriously wrong somewhere (either PHP or MS).
> keep you posted if I find a solution.
> Pance.
> "Puiu Hrenciuc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am a little desperate right now since I have tried to solve this
> > for 3-4 days now.
> > I have developed a site that uses sessions for user authentication and
> data
> > storage between page access.
> > The development server is Apache1.3.24/MySQL4.1.0/PHP4.3.3/Win XP Pro
> > The release server is Apache1.3.27/MySQ3.2.25/PHP4.3.1/Linux 2.4.25
> >
> > The site is working just fine on the development server, but when
> uploading
> > on release
> > server it keeps losing session data and the users are logged out of
> > account in a
> > randomly manner. I can't reproduce the behaviour since it is all
> > for eg.
> > the session may expire immediately but it can also last 30-40 min. It
> > not expire
> > on same page every time. I have tried to see if it is a browser related
> > issue so I have loaded
> > the page into IE6, NN7, OPERA7 but the problem persisted. Next step I
> > thought that it
> > could be a process on the release server that deletes files on /tmp so I
> > have changed the
> > session_save_path to another dir, same problem. Now I have made some
> > functions
> > and keep the sessions in a MySQL database. It works fine on the
> development
> > server,
> > but... , BUT... , it has the same behaviour on the release server. Using
> > MySQL storage
> > I have discovered the PHP changes SIDs randomly ( at least so it seems )
> so
> > the session's
> > data is not lost ( the MySQL record is there, and the data field is ok,
> all
> > variables are there
> > kindly waiting to be read by PHP :) ), but new sessions are created for
> same
> > connection
> > so I think this is PHP or Cookies related.
> > If you would like to see the phpinfo() snapshots:
> > Development server : http://www.pur.ro/devphpinfo.htm
> > Release server : http://www.pur.ro/relphpinfo.htm
> >
> > Can someone please help me, coz' my hair is turning white and I'm too
> young
> > to die :)
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Puiu Hrenciuc.

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