--- Charlie Fiskeaux II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jay Blanchard wrote:
> > When you create the "view" page store all of the passed variables in
> > hidden form fields. That way they can then be submitted on to the next
> > script.
> I could do it that way, but I was hoping for a way of just 
> passing all the data at once; Since there's 170 fields, 
> that's a lot of data to manually handle.

That is "at once".

You want the user to resubmit all previous form data when submitting the
second form, right? If not, you may want to restate your question, because
that is certainly how I interpreted it, and that seems to be how Jay
interpreted it as well.

Of course, you might also consider sessions, rather than passing that much
form data back and forth across the Internet.


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