
I'm one of the volunteers working on PHPCommunity.org.

There's been some talk about having a Job Listings section on the site, something 
along the lines of jobs.perl.org, and We're wondering how much interest there is in 
such a service. I'm sure all the unemployed PHP developers on the list would like it, 
if companies actually used it. So the biggest question is probably if companies 
looking to hire PHP developers would use it.

I would really appreciate it if you could reply to this message, off-list, if you're 
interested in this or have anything to say on the topic. Please mention in what way 
you're interested, if you're in a position to hire people, looking for work, etc. 
Anything you feel is relevant.

All comments are welcome, both positive and negative.

I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looking forward to reading your comments!

Thanks in advance,

Anders Hellström
PHPCommunity.org: Open Source, Open Community

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