Tom Meinlschmidt wrote:

simple use fopen() or file()

as $fp = fopen("http://somedomain/some.url?blablah","r";);

and read via fread()

Then I replied with:

Perhaps I was mistaken, I thought:

$fp = fopen("http://somedomain/some.url?blablah","r";);

Would just return the actual HTML code of the page and NOT the results of running the page?.?.?.?.?

I will test it out and see. Thank you for your suggestion!

Hello All,

It seems fopen() did not work. However, it did stop the FORBIDDEN message I was receiving. So I think I'm on the right track. Here's what I tried...

$filename = "actual URL";

$fd = fopen("$filename", "r");
$contents = fread($fd, $filename);

print strlen($contents);
print "<p>".$contents;

I can open the URL, that works ( fopen() ).
I've tested out the fread(), file(), fgets(), and file_get_contents functions. Nothing works.
I can close the URL, that works ( fclose() ).

With each attempt, I get 0 for the strlen of $contents and nothing else prints out.

I also tried adding this to the script right before fopen:

That didn't work either...

Any idea(s) on what I'm doing wrong? I'm using php 4.3.3 and I believe it's Apache 1.3


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