Matthew Oatham <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Monday, March 22, 2004 4:56 PM said:

> can anyone see any
> potential problems such as database problems, i.e duplicate keys, bad
> coding practices etc... cheers matt
> if(!empty($_FILES["cr"])) {
>     $uploaddir = "cr/"; // set this to wherever
>     //copy the file to some permanent location
>     if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cr"]["tmp_name"], $uploaddir .
> $_FILES["cr"]["name"])) {
>         echo("file uploaded\n");
>         echo(generateCrId(insertChangeRequest()));
>     } else {
>         echo ("error!");
>     }
> }

yeah i see a few already. the following is better:

        // code
        // other code



p.s. no rebuttals please. there's nothing to say. kthxbye.

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