$_SESSION = "user";
$_SESSION = "pass";

This doesn't work of course, but as I said I'm unsure of how the $_SESSION
superglobal is used, and the info I've found about it didn't shed much
light... I hope I'm just tired today 8-)

Another semi-related question is, is it common to include the username and
password for a site directly in the PHP code on a site... even if it is in
an include file?

first $_SESSION works like this:

$_session[user]=$_POST[user];//if using register_globals=off
$_SESSION[user]=$user;//if register_globals=on..unsafe though

$_SESSION superglobal is an array (usually associative) meaning that the
element of the array (the part in the []) is either a variable name or some
custom name instead of the element number....

$_POST[user] and $user are 2 different variables if register_globals=off...

to answer the second question about user/password names in scripts...if at
all possible avoid it at any cost to yourself...even in an include file...
use some other way to store/retrieve the user/password (mysql or something
like that). and for me if its a password i usually encrypt it before storing

hope that helps..


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