I have a page where I am stripping the html tags down.  Basically, it will
allow certain tags, but still strips out ALL attributs of the tag, so it
works something like this:

$allowed_tags = "<p><br><strong><b><i><u>";
//  State which tags are allowed
$info = strip_tags($info, $allowed_tags);
// Strip all unwanted tags out
$allowed_tags = "p|br|strong|b|i|u";
// Convert tags for regular expression
$info = preg_replace("/<(?!".$allowed_tags.")[^>]*>/", '<\1>', $info);    //
Strip out all attributes from allowed tags

This will strip all attributes out of those tags, so it will turn something
like this <p some stuff here>My p tag</p> into this <p>My p tag</p>.  The
above regular expression will handle this just fine.  The only problem I am
running into is when someone uses a less than sign in their input (<).  So
when someone puts something like:  2 < 8 in their input it gets changed to
this:  2 <>.  How can I set it to only replace things when there is a < and
a matching > for it?  Anyone have any ideas?



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