Rob, here's some pointers:

The 'client' creates a URL of the type:
Then the 'server' just dumps the values in accordingly.

Now what I suggest is you do this on the client side:
        $GetData = base64_encode(serialize($GetData));
        if ($DEBUG) echo "\n".SERVER."?data=".$GetData."\n";

        if ( !(@fopen(SERVER."?data=".rawurlencode($GetData), "r")) ) 
                if ($DEBUG) echo "Could not connect to
        else if ($DEBUG) echo "\ncompleted.\n";

And this on the server side:
$GetData = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['data']));

        $dataArray = explode("&",$GetData);
        foreach($dataArray as $k => $v)
              if ($DEBUG) echo "k: $k => v: $v<BR>\n";
                list($key, $val) = explode("=", $v);
                if ($DEBUG) echo "key: $key => val: $val<BR>\n";
                if ($val != "") $sku_appliance[$key] = $val;


        You are doing exactly what I'm WANTING to do.  I want to have a URL,
that when clicked on, will update info in our mySQL database with the
variables supplied in the URL.  From your post on the database newsgroup, it
seems you have done this very thing.  Can you give me a quick example on how
it was done?

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