From: "Dan Phiffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have what I hope to be a simple question about SimpleXML. Is it
> possible to get the attributes of a SimpleXML node as an associative
> Consider the following:
> <?php
> $sxe = simplexml_load_string('<root attr="value"/>');
> print_r($sxe->attributes());
> // Gives: simplexml_element Object ( [0] => value )
> ?>
> Is there some way to find out that 'value' is the attribute called
> 'attr'? In other words, can I iterate over SimpleXML attributes without
> losing track of what their attribute name is? Or is this a case where I
> should switch over to DOM?

Have you seen Example 4 here:

Not sure if that helps or not, though, but it looks like it's already an
associative array.

---John Holmes...

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