Red Wingate wrote:

So, this one will work out quite well ( maybe one should take
a look at the documentation of attributes() :-)

Wow I can't believe I missed that. Hehe.

I guess the lesson here is don't always trust what you get from print_r().

Thanks for the responses,

foreach ( $xml->lib_error->param AS $param ) { $n = 0 ; while ( is_object ( $xml->lib_error->param[$n] ) ) { foreach( $xml->lib_error->param[$n]->attributes() AS $a => $b ){ echo $a .' --> '. $b .'<br>'; } $n++; } }

-- red

Dan Phiffer wrote:

Red Wingate wrote:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
    <param name="error_logfile_write" type="boolean">FALSE</param>


$xml = simplexml_load_file( 'config.xml' );

foreach ( $xml->lib_error->param AS $id => $param ) {
    echo $param['name'] ; // will output 'boolean' !

I think you mean that would output 'error_logfile_write'. However, what I'm asking is if it's possible to iterate over the SimpleXML node attributes 'name' and 'type', without knowing ahead of time that 'name' and 'type' are expected associative keys. There is an attributes() class method, but that just returns a numerically indexed array of the attribute values:

Array (
    [0] => 'error_logfile_write',
    [1] => 'boolean'

What I want is:

Array (
    ['name'] => 'error_logfile_write',
    ['type'] => 'boolean'



I have what I hope to be a simple question about SimpleXML. Is it possible to get the attributes of a SimpleXML node as an associative array?

Consider the following:

$sxe = simplexml_load_string('<root attr="value"/>');
// Gives: simplexml_element Object ( [0] => value )

Is there some way to find out that 'value' is the attribute called 'attr'? In other words, can I iterate over SimpleXML attributes without losing track of what their attribute name is? Or is this a case where I should switch over to DOM?


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