El Wednesday 14 April 2004 13:33, Chris de Vidal escribió:
> pete M said:
> > Moving our sites to smarty is the best thing we've done at our company...
> Just a few weeks ago, I'd have agreed wit' yah, but now I see Smarty as
> mostly (not always) redundant.  See my post where I learned that PHP makes
> a great templating engine:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general&m=108145205519710&w=2
Ugh that's not just fuckingly ugly, but a total doom to maintain over the time 
-two months without touching the code and you're absolutely lost- . It maybe 
faster, it maybe a bit simpler since you only have to learn one language, but 
it's a mental carnage to maintain a client site that way....

I Agree with Pete, moving to smarty was the best we could've done.

Vicente Antonio Sánchez Werner ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Fijo: +34-923185650 Movil: +34-655556865
Director Depto Informática, Desarrollo y Seguridad Informática
Wap Comunicaciones S.L.
C/Guadalajara nº9-11
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