From: "Richard Davey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Because you're injecting variables directly into your HTML, which some
> of the time might be ok - but what if the $row_array doesn't contain
> "name" ? You'll raise an Error Warning without first passing it
> through some kind of test (or function).

Only if you have error_reporting() set high. If you have a PHP templating
solution, you'd turn error_reporting() down when you included the PHP
templates so you didn't get a warning.

> You assume that the PHP short-tags are enabled (<? ?>) for
> echoing variables and while most the time they are, you shouldn't bank
> on it in code (incidentally, you don't need the trailing ; on the
> short-tag echos).

You're relying on web-server writable directories when you use Smarty. It's
all a trade-off.

>  But what if you want to take your template and perform a bit more than
> just mere variable substitution on it? How about highlighting all
> words that match a search term, or applying logic to a display block
> based on a user status?

You can do this with output buffering and PHP functions. Smarty just
provides you a different interface.

<?php start_highlight(); ?>
Paragraph Text
<?php end_highlight(); ?>


{section type="highlight"}
Paragraph Text

Yeah, I know that's not quite the Smarty syntax, but you get the idea.
Smarty just provides an easy interface to a lot of these things. It's a
tool, like a lot of others have said. :)

---John Holmes...

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