Saturday, April 17, 2004, 7:38:46 PM, Arthur Radulescu wrote:

>> That's how you could do it ...
>> $ar = array();
>> $len = strlen($a);
>> for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
>>     $ar[] = $a{$i};
>> }

> If I remember well strlen is used for checking the length of a string...

It does ...
I didn't look closely enough :(
So .. the var has to be converted to str first ... or use a temp var
converted to string ...

except of course someone comes up with a better method of solving the
problem at hand.


just for reference: the original problem (as I now understand it) was
how to 'convert' a number into an array ...

Friday, April 16, 2004, 11:00:49 PM, Flavio Fontana wrote:

> Hi

> I have i Problem i got a variable a=2351 now i need to create an array out of this 
> variable
> a[0]=1
> a[1]=3
> a[2]=5
> a[3]=1

> I have an idea to use the modulo function an do some Math but im
> sure there is a nicer way of solving my prob

> thx Flavio

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