Hi Bill.

Put something like:
<FORM ACTION="read_form.php" METHOD="post">

##your form selections here##


Then on your read_form.php page:

$what_they_selected = $_POST['name1']

>>A question about forms and PHP. I have a dropdown list which gets the lines
>>in the list from DB. Like this(col1 is used only for sorting the data):
>>echo "<td>choose one:</td><td><SELECT NAME=\"name1\">";
>>$sql="SELECT col1, col2 FROM table_04 ORDER BY col1";
>>$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
>>$counter = 1;
>>while ($num >= $counter) {
>>$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
>>$col2 = $row["col2"];
>>echo "<option value=\"name\">$col2</option>";
>>This obviously leaves the value of $col2 to what ever is in the last row in
>>database. How do I set the script to change the value when user selects
>>another name from the list? I need to do more stuff based on the users
>>selection. How do I get the selection from the list to a variable? I haven't
>>really done forms and PHP before ;-)

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