From: "Merlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The problem I have, is that the publishing is split into 3 screens
(steps). If
> the user reaches form 2, types something in and clicks on back and then on
> forward again he looses the values of the data entered in form 2.
> The back button is done with: javascript:history.back(); so it is totally
> that the value of the present form is gone. But how to put two different
> into one form? One for next, one for back? Do you see the problem?
> I would like to avoid saving to a database before the user does not finish
> whole process. There must be another solution. I guess this is a standard
> problem and I do just not see the solution?!

Save it into the session as they go through the three pages and only save it
into the database at the end.

Keep track of a $page variable and increment or decrement based on whether
they chose the Next>> or <<Prev button and show the appropriate content for
the $page.

---John Holmes...

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