Hey gang,

I've got a complex algorithm that I'm trying to work out. I'm trying
to store and retrieve a set of switches in a decimal representation
of a binary number. I have four checkboxes, call them A, B, C, and D.
They can be represented by a (decimal) number from 0 to 15 in binary
(0000 to 1111). I need to be able to store and retrieve this set of

I've got the script to store it, and I thought I had the script to
retrieve the data, but I can't seem to get the checkboxes to actually
be checked (or not) depending on the value in the database.

I don't like dealing with the data this way, but the program I'm
interacting with requires it.

The script below is used to handle a number of data elements on the

$pagevars is an array of the variables on the page, and the table
they are located in.

set_val(a,b) puts the values in array a into the variables listed in
array b.

form_element(a,b) is a function that returns a form element of type a
(CB, TB) with the variable a. So form_element("CB","var") returns the


If the value is 1 or on, CHECKED will be added.

Here's the script:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
    if (!set_val($_POST,$pagevars)) {
          echo "data not written to database. Contact system administrator";
if (is_array($page_var_vals)) {
echo "StatFlags:$StatFlags<BR>";
$stat=preg_split('//', str_pad(decbin($StatFlags), 4, "0",
for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
      <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[0]"); ?>Save statistics to a
file periodically
           Every <?php form_element("TB","STF_Hours"); ?>hours</p>
        <p>Save in: <?php form_element("TB","StatFiles"); ?></p>
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[1]"); ?>Email statistics
           Every <?php form_element("TB","STM_Hours"); ?>hours</p>
        <p>Send to: <?php form_element("TB","StatMail"); ?></p>
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[2]"); ?>Automatically open
the statistics window at startup</p>
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[3]"); ?>Collect statistics
about mail sent by local users</p>
        <p>System Messages</p>
        <p>System reporting level:
        <SELECT NAME="">
          <option value="0">
            0 - No messages
          <option value="1">
            1 - Urgent messages
          <option value="2">
            2 - Significant messages
          <option value="3">
            3 - Normal messages
          <option value="4">
            4 - Informational messages
          <option value="5">
            5 - Debugging messages
        <p>Number of messages to store: <?php form_element("TB","");
        <p><?php form_element("CB",""); ?> Automatically open the
system messages window on startup</p>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit" VALUE="Save" />
<INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE="Cancel" />

--- END CORE.PHP ---

Mark Weinstock
You can't demand something as a "right" unless you are willing to fight to death to 
defend everyone else's right to the same thing.

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