Mark wrote:

Hey gang,

I've got a complex algorithm that I'm trying to work out. I'm trying
to store and retrieve a set of switches in a decimal representation
of a binary number. I have four checkboxes, call them A, B, C, and D.
They can be represented by a (decimal) number from 0 to 15 in binary
(0000 to 1111). I need to be able to store and retrieve this set of

I've got the script to store it, and I thought I had the script to
retrieve the data, but I can't seem to get the checkboxes to actually
be checked (or not) depending on the value in the database.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the code you have, but for the 4-digit one you have:

$packed = 4-bit var with ABCD encoded in it

$a = $packed & 1;
$b = $packed & 2;
$c = $packed & 4;
$d = $packed & 8;

I don't like dealing with the data this way, but the program I'm interacting with requires it.

The script below is used to handle a number of data elements on the

$pagevars is an array of the variables on the page, and the table
they are located in.

set_val(a,b) puts the values in array a into the variables listed in
array b.

form_element(a,b) is a function that returns a form element of type a
(CB, TB) with the variable a. So form_element("CB","var") returns the


If the value is 1 or on, CHECKED will be added.

Here's the script:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
    if (!set_val($_POST,$pagevars)) {
          echo "data not written to database. Contact system administrator";
if (is_array($page_var_vals)) {
echo "StatFlags:$StatFlags<BR>";
$stat=preg_split('//', str_pad(decbin($StatFlags), 4, "0",
for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
      <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[0]"); ?>Save statistics to a
file periodically
           Every <?php form_element("TB","STF_Hours"); ?>hours</p>
        <p>Save in: <?php form_element("TB","StatFiles"); ?></p>
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[1]"); ?>Email statistics
           Every <?php form_element("TB","STM_Hours"); ?>hours</p>
        <p>Send to: <?php form_element("TB","StatMail"); ?></p>
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[2]"); ?>Automatically open
the statistics window at startup</p>
        <p><?php form_element("CB","stat[3]"); ?>Collect statistics
about mail sent by local users</p>
        <p>System Messages</p>
        <p>System reporting level:
        <SELECT NAME="">
          <option value="0">
            0 - No messages
          <option value="1">
            1 - Urgent messages
          <option value="2">
            2 - Significant messages
          <option value="3">
            3 - Normal messages
          <option value="4">
            4 - Informational messages
          <option value="5">
            5 - Debugging messages
        <p>Number of messages to store: <?php form_element("TB","");
        <p><?php form_element("CB",""); ?> Automatically open the
system messages window on startup</p>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit" VALUE="Save" />
<INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE="Cancel" />

--- END CORE.PHP ---

Mark Weinstock
You can't demand something as a "right" unless you are willing to fight to death to 
defend everyone else's right to the same thing.

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