On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:31:42 -0500 (CDT), Aaron Axelsen
> Below is the chunk of code i am using.  In the verify_faculty_info.php
> file i call the search function.  The search function is coded in the
> function.php file which is included in the accesscontrol.php.
> I thought that it would carry over to the verify_Faculty_info.php file.
> Was I mistaken?
> Thanks
> <?php
> include('accesscontrol.php');
> if (isset($_GET['action'])){
>  if ($_GET['action'] == "add" && $_SESSION['role'] == 1) {
>    include('includes/add_product.php');
>  } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "verify") {
>        echo "verifying now";
>        search();
>        include('includes/verify_faculty_info.php');
>  } else {
>    echo "action asked for is not specified";
>  }
> } else {
>   echo "action is not specified";
> }
> ?>

Looks like it would work to me.  You might try function_exists() to
help track down the problem.  Probably a typo or mispelled function

Greg Donald

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