
nobody ( and especialy not me ) would have offended you, if you wouldn't
have flamed someone for creating a new thread by replying to another.
Your E-Mail client breaks the Threads just like he did which makes
reading the threads a pita.

It was stated more then once that replying useing any version of Outlook
causes troubles as they won't accept the MID ( or refs ) of other client
software on the first reply ( as every other client adds the one set by
outlook atleast every message following your initial message will follow
the thread correctly ( maybe take a look at the header information )

I would recommend you to either use some kind of Newsgroup software or
just try another e-mail client ( eg thunderbird )

  -- red

ps: stay calm :-)

oh woe is me! if only i hadn't offended thee, red, you wouldn't have
sent such a hurtful email. from the depths of my soul, and the bottom of
my heart, a thousand pardons to you and your kin. may they forever be
blessed with "configured correctly" email clients. oh how i long for the
day when i can stir up no trouble, and cause no pain.

of all the people i could have been why was i me? oh how i rue the day i
was born! argh i say.

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