Hi George,

How about this?

parse the html as xml and replace the component tags with whatever php/html code
output that result to a file
include the file from previous step


On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 15:56:26 -0500, George Lantz
> I am looking for a way to parse custom html tags. I would like to then
> replace those tags with php/html code. Here is an example of the html
> file to be parsed. Notice the "component", they are the custom tags I
> wish to replace with code. I only need help in parsing the tags and
> storing in a variable or array so I can work with the attributes. The
> component tag will be the only tag I will need to work with.
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>test</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <component name="menu" layout="horizontal" />
> <component name="titlebar" />
> </body>
> </html>
> This is what I was thinking, although if someone has better idea that is
> fine. I was thinking of storing these in a multi-dimensional array. An
> example might be $components[0][name][layout]. Is there code out there
> already that does this?

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