I have my two html textarea fields followed by these two buttons.

<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post"> <br>
        <input type="submit" name="calcentry" value="Calc Your Entry" /> 
        <input type="submit" name="clearentry" value="Clear Your Entry" /> 
I have textarea1 to type words into.  I have textarea2 for my results.  I have people 
type words in textarea1 and after hitting the "calcentry" button I want to reload the 
same page, go into my:

if ($calcentry) {...}

part of my code and do some calculations with php and mysql and put my output into 
textarea2.  But after submitting and re-loading the page my textarea1 field is empty.  
So my first question is how do I keep the data in textarea1 so when I perform my 
submit I can do some calculations on it etc?  Then how can I place my results into 

So all I want is to type words into a textarea field, reload the same page, do some 
calcs on these words, and place the results into textarea.  So it amounts to having 
the exact same page but now I have my calculated results in the second textarea.  I 
have all my code for calcs etc. and it works fine.

Thanks for any help,

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