On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 20:47:47 +0100, Harlequin
> Hi everyone.
> I have a quick question regarding the above. currently I have a form that
> posts to another page. However, rather than wait until they get to that page
> to verify their login are there conventions that are recognised for this
> process currently...?
> For example, my code for the form's header is:
> echo "<form action='login_verified.php' method='post' name='Login Form'
> title='Login Form'>";
> How can I ensure that only once a user has been verified that they can see
> the page in my form's action field...?
> --
> -----------------------------
>  Michael Mason
>  Arras People
>  www.arraspeople.co.uk
> -----------------------------

Why not skip that step by adding a login redirect page?  It checks the
form values against the database and if all is good hands out
credentials and sends the user on their way, and if they supply the
wrong information they are sent to another page.

> --
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