Ed Curtis wrote:

I'm having some difficulty with quotation marks, both single and double,
input via a textarea in a form.

Here's and example of text.

Trying out the "Special Character" thing.

Page 1 is the form.

Page 2 is the data shown back to the user.
original POST data is not touched. NO stripslashes
original typed text is show to the user by stripslashes($thistext)
original POST data is transferred to next page via hidden input field
without stripping slashes.

Page 3 posts the data to a MySQL database.
original POST data is not touched. No stipslashes.
Text gets cut off in database (Trying out the)

What exactly do I need to do to the text so that any quotation marks
(single or double) get input into the database.

Let's say you have $_POST['text'] from the user.

To display the value back to the user with magic_quotes_enabled, you'd do this:

echo htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['text']));

To put the value into a hidden form element, you'd do this:

<input type="hidden" name="text" value="<?=htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['text']))?>">

Now, $_POST['text'] will come out correctly on Page 3. Since you seem to have magic_quotes_gpc enabled, you can put the value directly into your query.

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